
AVCJ Private Equity & Venture Forum: Portfolio Management – Redefining the Playbook

Managing Director of EmergeVest Simon Pearson joined discussions during the session of ‘Portfolio Management: Redefining the Playbook’ as a panelist at the AVCJ Private Equity & Venture Forum. Simon discussed how the EmergeVest Operating System (EVOS) is used to evolve and improve portfolio companies.

During the panel, Simon shared two key trends on geopolitical dynamics and supply chain complexity. Firstly, there is a renewed intensity around supply chain real-time visibility and technology. Secondly, sourcing strategies are evolving. He shared how EmergeVest helps our portfolio companies position themselves in the right way to support customers evolving sourcing strategies, including opening operations across Southeast Asian countries.

On dealing with inflation risk, Simon shared two strategies which include pricing adjustments and cost control. Interestingly, he shared the really nice fit of our sustainability strategy within cost control - by optimizing logistics networks and reducing fuel consumption, we can reduce costs and carbon footprint.

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2023-11-24 09:48